John is dedicated to tracking and clearing energetic imprints, blockages and imbalances at their origin within realms and dimensions that have become invisible to us. For over 25 years he has studied indigenous healing traditions, esoteric mystery school practices, sound healing and quantum vibrational therapy. It has been his privilege to apprentice with many of the mountain and jungle shamans of Peru, and to study with indigenous medicine people in North America, Nepal, Tibet, Egypt, Bali and India. John trained extensively with Dr. Alberto Villoldo and the Four Winds Society, completing the Healing the Light Body School™ and their mastery track, as well as the advanced track with Rainbow Jaguar Traditions. Many others have contributed to John’s journey including Dr. Douglas Brooks, Dr. Paul Muller-Ortega, José Luis Herrera, Tom Kenyon and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. John is a certified Hypnotherapist and has maintained an eclectic healing practice based in Lafayette Colorado for over twenty five years. He provides energy healing, clearing, and ceremonial services for individual clients, groups and organizations, and teaches workshops nationally and internationally.
John currently lives in Lafayette Colorado and is available for private sessions in person or by phone.